Kendall Democrats Newsletter June 29, 2020


June 29, 2020 Newsletter

Things are getting Busy, are you?


June 24th General Meeting:  If you missed this Zoom meeting, you missed a group of great speakers! Alex Penelas, Michael Rosenberg, Melba Pearson, and Dwight Bullard.  You can watch the meeting via the link below:


Topic: Kendall Dems Meeting

Date: Jun 24, 2020 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Meeting Recording:


Or on our Facebook Page via the same link.

Volunteers Needed!

We really need volunteers for post card writing and mailing! We also need phone banking volunteers! And soon we will need volunteers to stuff door hanger bags and delivering them to large numbers of homes!

To do any of these please sign up on one of the following places: (Organizing For Progress)

Kendall Democrats on Facebook

Email: [email protected]

            [email protected]

Or text Judy Byrum at: 305-582-9502

Post cards: We still have packets of post cards to write and mail in our first 2 precincts (744 & 745).

We need to start on the packets for precincts 757 & 857.

There are 38 or fewer cards to write in each packet. Volunteer for several packets.

Phone Banking: We will be sponsoring one of the Miami-Dade Dems phone banking events on Wednesday July 8th. You can sign up on the Miami-Dade Dems page by going to events and looking for ours.  A Mobilize event will also be sent out for it and you will be able to sign up through that email.

We will not be doing Phone Banking on our own, we will be using the Miami-Dade Dems events.

Contactless Canvassing: This is a 2 step project. First, we will need door hanger bags stuffed with information.  The materials will be delivered to you and picked up from you. This will be before the end of July.

Second, we will need a large number of people to volunteer to deliver these to large numbers of doors.  The more people that volunteer the less work for each volunteer.  This will not be until the first 2 weeks of August.

Voter Protection: Miami-Dade Dems are looking for volunteers interested in helping with voter protection for both the August and November elections.  This requires training.  If you are interested in fighting voter suppression go to the site, click on Getting Involved and then go down to Join the 2020 Voter Protection Team and sign up.


Helping Candidates:  Many Candidates are still looking for volunteers! They need people to make phone calls, do social distanced Honk & Waves, put out yard signs, and other things.

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell: go to:

Cindy Lerner:

Robert Asencio:

Joe Biden’s Miami Campaign:

Please contact Chris Wills at 305.607.6905

Or Daniela Ferrara at 786.543.6355 

Facebook website  BidenforFlorida for any /all info on our activities.


 Or go to, click on Events and drop down to Biden Events. Click on Biden Events and you will find many opportunities to help Joe Biden’s campaign for President here in Miami!


Don’t be limited by this list! Google candidates you’re are interested in helping and volunteer!

You can find our updated list of candidates on our Facebook page or under News at

Don’t Forget that there will be even more work after the August 18th Elections!





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