Kendall Democrats May News Letter

Hello Kendall Democrats! Things are really picking up now!  It is time to start working for the political change we want to see! Start with some of the following:

Kendall Democrats General Meeting, May 27th, 7:30PM, via Zoom

Our speakers will be:

Mayoral Candidate Xavier Suarez

Candidate Forum with:

State House 105 Candidates: Javier Estevez and Maureen Porras

State House 118 Candidate: Ricky Junquera

State House 115 Candidate: Franccesa Cesti-Browne

Commission District 7:  Cindy Lerner

Commission District 8:  Danielle Cohen-Higgins and Leonarda Duran-Burke *

Commission District 11:  Robert Asencio

School Board District 7:  Dr. Marie Flore Latortue *

School Board District 9:   Dr. Nancy Lawther, Gloria Angel *, & Luisa Santos *

(* still to be confirmed)

The Kendall Dems invite you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.


Topic: Kendall Democrats May Meeting and Elections

Time: May 27, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 812 5967 6648

Password: VoteBlue!!



Volunteer For Vote By Mail Postcard Campaigns


There are a number of these in progress!


  1. We have begun our Blue Wave partnership writing postcards for Precinct 891. This asks you to write postcards (c. 38), donate the stamps, and do follow up text or calls.

If you do not wish to go to the post office, but can donate toward the cost of the stamps, that can be arranged. Contact Judy Byrum at: [email protected]  to sign up.  The post cards will be delivered to you.


  1. Please join the Miami-Dade Democratic Party Neighborhood Organizers District 8 team in this first wave of cards to voters in 4 key under-performing precincts. You will be able to participate in getting out the vote from the safety of your own home.

To do so click on the link below to volunteer and register. Please indicate on the registration site how many packets you want (each has 25 cards) and which is your preferred pick up location from the options given.


  1. Kendall Democrats will begin our Vote By Mail post cards soon. We are just waiting for the cards and the precinct assignments. Sign up now on our Nation Builder page at or email [email protected]

We will deliver them with all of the instructions. We ask you to donate stamps, but once again if you do not wish to go to the post office, make the donation and we will buy the stamps.

** If for any reason you cannot or do not wish to pay for stamps. Let us know and we will purchase the stamps!

We are also looking for donations to purchase post card stamps! They are 35₵ each, a roll of 100 is $35. Any amount will help. You can donate through our Nation Builder page: or mail a check to: Kendall Democrats Club, PO Box 836604, Miami, FL  33283-6604.


Volunteer to Help a Candidate or Candidates!

Many campaigns are looking for volunteers, especially for text banking and phone banking!

Debbie Mucarsel-Powell’s Campaign is looking for volunteers to do Wellness calls, and outreach to constituents about issues or problems. To volunteer for Text banking go to:

To volunteer for Phone Banking go to:

They have already done some, but you should be able to sign up for their next round.

To volunteer for her campaign, go to her website.


Robert Asencio is also looking for volunteers. Go to his campaign web site to sign up!


All our Democratic candidates need our help! Many need campaign donations, they do not have to be big to make a difference.  Especially our State, County Commission, and School Board candidates.  Every little bit helps!

They all will need volunteers, especially now that they have had to shift their “game plans” with COVID 19.  Please pick some one you can support and contact them through their websites.

Remember, we can sit around and complain, but to effect change you must act!







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