February 24th General Meeting agenda

Kendall Democrats General Meeting  February 24th, 2022


  1. Old Business

Approve minutes from January 27th meeting

  1. Club Business

Officers’ Reports






  • Membership Recruitment Postcard Project

If you are willing to help write, address and post postcards please contact me

At [email protected] or text: 305-582-9502


  1. Membership renewals: start renewing or signing up as a member now for 2022.

Go to KendallDemocrats.org to sign up online or contact me (Judy) or Lucia for the PO Box number where you can send a check.


  1. Speakers: Amanda Prieto of Save Calusa (in person)

                   Nancy Lawther, MDDC Legislative Liaison (Zoom)


  1. Next General Meeting will be on March 24th!



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